We're finally ready to go. Tomorrow morning we will pull out of our driveway with 5000 miles of road in front of us. That road will take us across the Great Plains, over the Rockies, to the very edge of the country where Puget Sound dances with the Pacific Ocean in the shadow of Mount Rainier.
More importantly, the path before us will reunite us with some cherished friends and, chances are, introduce us to a few more. And along the way, we will build many memories, stories that our kids will tell at Thanksgiving dinners years from now that will begin something like "Hey, remember that time when drove that RV to Seattle..."
There and back again
(...to borrow a phrase from a favorite author of great adventures.)
We invite you to come along the for the ride and share our great adventure. My goal is to post at least one blog entry a day. I can't promise eloquent prose or insightful narrative, but I'll do my best to make it worth checking up on us from time to time.
Good luck Adersons.
Sorry. Andersons
I must admit, I have been eagerly looking forward to being able to read your blog during this adventure of yours. What I didn’t anticipate was the nagging withdrawal-type symptoms that I would have to endure between each episode of your trek. God help me if you ever skip a day. I’m a junkie and you are my daily fix.
Your writing style is unlike what I usually read, and it is crafted so expertly, yet naturally, that I always smile. You paint beautiful pictures, people, and feelings with your words – you’re a true artist. Then, you add popular references and find comforting or humorous comparatives. Plus, I like to read.
So, as I awoke this morning and began my day, the very first order of business following pulling on a few articles of clothing (precisely three), was to see if my ‘junk’ had been delivered via the web. To my delight, once again, it had. I have the extreme pleasure of writing this in a state of euphoria. Put it on my tab.
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