It is bittersweet leaving. As with Colorado, we find ourselves yearning for more days here. Our time so far has been a quick blur and there is so much more we would like to do. On the other hand we are bound still for new territory and old friends and dear family. We are very much looking forward to the second half of this trip. Indeed, it does not yet feel like we are so much "returning" as continuing on.
In the meantime, I thought I might get caught up in posting some pictures.
Hope you enjoy...
1 comment:
Got your message at about 3pm Ohio time. Not sure if you left yet, but if not Marc's favorite is Pike Place IPA. I like a good apricot ale or a raspberry ale, but that might be too girly for you. I am sure the trip home will prove to be just as invigorating and eventful as the trip out. You still have miles to go before Ohio is in view from the driver's seat of the Heart of Gold.
I totally get your perspective of Seattle being daunting and exciting. When we went back to Seattle for Marc's reunion the first thing he said was that he did not miss the traffic! We would love to go back to live but the cost of living is beyond our believing. I am still on a high from our trip last year. My sister and her fiance went with us also. Seattle is number one on their list of best vacations ever. My sisters girlfriends say Seattle was their favorite and they weren't even there.
Looking forward to more tales from the Heart of Gold.
Take Care,
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